Help for a newby - gen-key error message

Grant Olson kgo at
Wed Jun 23 15:53:04 CEST 2010

On 6/22/10 9:22 PM, VH Dolcourt wrote:
> This is a Windows 7 question:
> I was able to mouse around in Google and found out how to modify the proper
> PATH environment variable. Therefore, at the command prompt I'm able to
> execute gpg without having to migrate to the directory where gpg lives. The
> good news is that I'm able to run "gpg --version" and get gpg to talk to me.
> The bad news is that I am getting an error message when I invoke gpg
> --gen-key at the command prompt. There error is <gpg home
> directory>\gpg.conf:5: invalid auto-key-locate list. I've re-installed gpg,
> but that did not help.
> Any ideas for fixing the problem?

What does line 5 of your gpg.conf file say?  Will things work if you
simply comment that line out with a # sign?

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