gpg output to a filename ending with .pgp

Daniel Eggleston eggled at
Tue May 25 19:22:25 CEST 2010

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 10:03:30AM -0400, Jeremy Bennett wrote:
>    I have been googling for an answer on how to have gpg encrypt a file to a
>    file with a pgp extension.  It looks like maybe the only way is via a
>    output redirect (> ?). I'm trying this via a command line on a windows
>    box.  Here is my initial command in a batch file:
>    c:\gnupg\gpg -e -r tester --yes %1
>    I think I tried to use a --output or a -o switch but neither seemed to
>    work.
>    Has anyone tried this before? Could you paste your command here? Please cc
>    me since i'm not on the mailing list yet.
>    Thanks very much!
>    Jeremy R. Bennett
>    Client Systems Developer/Analyst
>    Narragansett Bay Insurance Company
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--output=file.pgp outputs correctly for me:

eggled at pokeserver ~ $ gpg -e -a -r eggled at --yes --output=file.pgp
This is some data
eggled at pokeserver ~ $ cat file.pgp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)

....... snip ..........

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