decrypt adding ^M characters at the end of each line

David Shaw dshaw at
Tue Aug 2 17:43:30 CEST 2011

On Aug 2, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Randy Braun wrote:

> Anyone have any ideas as to why I am seeing ^M characters at the end of
> each line after decrypting a file?
> I am using the following:
> /sftw/gnupg/bin/gpg --output /path/path/testfile.txt
> --decrypt /path/path/testfile.txt.pgp
> This is gnupg 1.4.10 on AIX

This sort of thing can happen when the sender and receiver machines have different conventions for what ends a line of text.  Unix machines use LF, Windows uses CRLF, etc.  GPG has built-in support for handling this confusion, but you have to tell it that the input file is text.

So, on the *encrypting* side, add "--textmode" to the command, and that will tell GPG to store things appropriately, and the decrypting side will recognize this and use the appropriate line endings in the resulting file.


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