How to sign my own public key?

Hauke Laging mailinglisten at
Fri Dec 30 01:24:08 CET 2011

Am Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2011, 19:47:36 schrieb Stayvoid:
> I'm using GPGTools (Mac OS version).
> I've tried to verify the public key with Services - Verify (GUI method).
> (I assume it's used for verifying a signed message.)
> Just to clarify, here is an output of the gpg --list-sigs:
> pub ***
> uid ***
> sig 3 ***
> sub ***
> sig ***
> Do I have any unsigned keys?


> "sub" stands for the secret key, right?

For subkey. The signature given above refers to the public subkey. It would be 
useless to sign private keys.

> Are there any differences between sig 3 and sig? (Those keys have the
> same output.)

See --ask-cert-level

I think that GnuPG always uses 3 for UID self signatures and never gives such 
a statement for subkeys (maybe that's not even possible), wouldn't make sense 

> Can I accidentally encrypt my mail using my own secret key?

Mail cannot be encrypted by secret keys at all. Public keys are for encryption 
and signature verification, private keys are for decryption and signature 

It probably makes sense that you have a look at some beginners tutorial.

> For example: gpg -se
> What kind of key will be used in this case?
> I know that the program will ask for the User ID. Will it
> automatically use User ID's public key?

It will automatically use the right one. Great, isn't it? I.e. in this case 
first your private key for the signature and then the recipient's public key 
for the encryption.

PGP: D44C 6A5B 71B0 427C CED3 025C BD7D 6D27 ECCB 5814
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