PGP/MIME considered harmful for mobile

Martin Gollowitzer gollo at
Sun Feb 27 20:37:31 CET 2011

* Robert J. Hansen <rjh at> [110227 20:28]:
> > How about "inline confuses users who don't know anything about OpenPGP"?
> 1.  Why are you sending them signed emails anyway?

I sign *all* my e-mail except for messages sent from my mobile (in that
case, my signature tells the receiver why the message is not signed and
offers the receiver to request a signed proof of authenticity later) or
messages to people who can't receive signed messages (I had a case where
e-mails arrived empty because of the MS Exchange/Antivirus/whatever
combination at the receivers working place).

> 2.  And seeing strange MIME attachments doesn't confuse people?

Less than strange text fragments at the head and the bottom of a message
(Some people even think they are being spammed when they see inline PGP
data), because an attachment without useful data will rather be ignored.

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