Is self-signing necessary? Basic questions.

Hauke Laging mailinglisten at
Sun Jan 2 18:04:53 CET 2011

Am Sonntag 02 Januar 2011 13:27:23 schrieb MFPA:
> 2. What statement would such a signature actually be making?

The same statement like a signature of a useless UID (without useful name and 
email address) like "fubar". Leaving out a useless UID can hardly change 

The formal statement is "I had access to this key and I had some reason to 
sign it". As with signing normal UIDs the real statement does not come from 
the signature itself but from the certification level statement and the 
certification policy which is described in a signed document (signed by the 
certifiers of the key, too...) whose URL is contained in the signature... (see 

PGP: D44C 6A5B 71B0 427C CED3 025C BD7D 6D27 ECCB 5814
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