parsing gpg-key block

Ole Rixmann rixmann.ole at
Thu Jan 13 18:59:18 CET 2011

Hi list,
this is my first post ;)

I need to check gpg-rsa-signatures in JavaScript and for this to happen
i have
to parse key blocks produced with
"gpg --armor --export-options export-minimal --export 0xid".
To do the checking i need the rsa-parameters (like n and g) but i have
no clue how to extract them.
With "gpg --debug-all --list-packets keyfile" i get a whole lot of stuff
and i think the parameters are in there ;)
but it doesn't look good.

So maybe someone can give me a hint?

I would also be interested in information about exactly how gpg does
signing wit rsa/sha-1.

Thanks a lot,

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