MacGPG2 2.0.17

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Wed Jan 26 17:39:28 CET 2011

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 02:17:01AM -0500 Also sprach Charly Avital:
> I have not run the GPGTools installer, I have run the MacGPG2 2.0.17
> released a few hours ago by Ben Donnachie...

My understanding is the GPGTools installer is a meta-package, which (as of
the time I downloaded and installed it) includes the same build of GnuPG
2.0.17. I figured it wouldn't hurt to use the pre-packaged Tools installer
to get GPGMail and everything else at the same time, since presumably all
the pieces would be versions which would interoperate correctly.

> And *everything* related to MacGPG2, Thunderbird+Enigmail and GPGMail
> 1.3.2.RC1 is running just fine...

I don't doubt that everything works, in your case. I have had different
results on different platforms.

On a machine running 10.6.6, which was freshly installed about two weeks
ago, most components of GPGTools seemed to work, however, when I tried to
generate test keys (either from the CLI, or from the GUI key management
app), the process would always stall at the random number phase.

On a different machine running 10.6.6 Server, gpg-agent fails to launch
(whereas gpg-agent worked fine, from the same GPGTools installer, on the
OS X Desktop machine above).

I tried on a third machine (also a client/desktop), with similar results
to the desktop above.

I have no doubt that on certain computers, it works perfectly, given the
variability of errors on the different platforms I have tried it on so
far. However, since GnuPG from MacPorts seems to work for me consistently,
on all the platforms I have tried it on, I'm going to stick with that for
now. I'll revisit the GPGTools/MacGPG2 installers again later, when I have
more time to chase these bugs.


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