Problem with faked-system-time option

Jerome Baum jerome at
Wed Jun 15 21:59:49 CEST 2011

>> Not really, without any context. Nobody has to prove
>> anything without that context.
> The context was simple: for some reason it mattered when the signature
> was made. I was outlining a hypothetical situation in broad terms
> without getting hung up on the details of a specific example, so I
> don't care why the signature time/date mattered.

Um, yeah, so you used a blurry specification of the problem that you
could adjust as needed for your arguments -- possibly in contradicting
ways? I wouldn't consider "what is being proven and who has an
interest in proving that -- i.e. who will cooperate" as a "detail",
but as a minimal basis for discussion.

Jerome Baum
tel +49-1578-8434336
email jerome at
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