what are the sub keys

Grant Olson kgo at grant-olson.net
Tue Mar 22 23:28:12 CET 2011

On 03/22/2011 05:22 PM, Jerome Baum wrote:
> Are  you talking  about the  option of  moving a  key to  a  smart card?
> Because  if  I  generate  it   on-card,  I  won't  have  the  option  of
> RSA-4096. And will "average Joe" really  move his key to a smart card if
> he  generated  it off  card?   And does  that  actually  make any  sense
> considering it wasn't originally generated on-card?

Plenty of people move existing keys to smart cards.  Generating a key
on-board is more secure, but then you're left dealing with two keys.
The old software one, and the new smart card one.  And if you've still
got an old software key to deal with, then what's the benefit of a smart
card anyway?  And the new key doesn't have any of your existing signatures.


"Look around! Can you construct some sort of rudimentary lathe?"

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