[META] please start To: with gnupg-users at gnupg.org, i.e.: To: gnupg-users at gnupg.org

Remco Rijnders remco at webconquest.com
Sat Jan 28 13:40:06 CET 2012

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 06:49:27AM -0500, gerry wrote in 
>       gnupg-users at gnupg.org
>This is not directed at any one individual;
>also, other mailing lists have the same problem imho.
>Ideally, (my ideal), the generic "one" would simply address e-mails to gnupg-users at gnupg.org as
>(a)    To:  gnupg-users at gnupg.org
>nothing more, nothing less.
>Such an addressing scheme makes it easy to filter and order gnupg-users at gnupg.org e-mails.

Or filter on the List-Id header perhaps. That one is always set when you 
receive mail from the mail list.

Seems easier to set such a filter than to expect the world to be trained 
into sending email in your preferred way.

(Also, apply such a filter then before any spam blocking on empty To: 
lines etc.)


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