PGP/MIME use (was Re: META)

Remco Rijnders remco at
Tue Jan 31 19:11:14 CET 2012

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 05:23:59PM +0100, Steve wrote in 
<946FFFC5-A191-4073-9D69-FC7FDC6950B7 at>:
>>> Of course, I really feel it's better for mailing list traffic to not
>>> be signed at all, since usually all it gives us is a false sense of
>>> security.  A signature from an unvalidated key belonging to an unknown
>>> person whom we don't know from Adam doesn't mean much, if anything at
>>> all.
>You at least know that the person with that key is the author. That is 
>some information. Should I still stop signing list mails? So far, I used 
>to do that, because I though people then could check and if my key is 
>signed by someone they know it's a lot of important information, right?

I appreciate signed mails on this list (and any other lists). Most 
problems these days on the internet are, in my opinion, related to people 
being completely anonymous. If you stand behind your words, show so by 
signing your posts.


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