GnuPG asp net on web server

Zenon Biedrzycki zenobiuszbiedrzycki at
Tue Jan 31 20:20:12 CET 2012

I would like to use GnuPG in my asp net application. I'm using bellow code and it is working correctly on localhost, but after publishing on webserwer (Windows server 2008 64 bits)  encription not start, also with admin rights.
Could you tell me if is possible to use GnuPG 1.4.7 in asp net (2.0 and higher) application, and if yes what I should chaneg in bellow code to use this on web server? Maybe any addictional configuration should be done on IIS or web server? I tried all posibilities which I found on MSDN.

Thanks for your help

Dim writer As New StreamWriter(sciezka & "MyLog.log", True, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)


Dim szyfrowanie As New Process()

szyfrowanie.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False

szyfrowanie.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True

szyfrowanie.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True

szyfrowanie.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True

szyfrowanie.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("GnuPGExeLoc")

szyfrowanie.StartInfo.FileName() = "gpg.exe"

szyfrowanie.StartInfo.Arguments() = "--recipient " & mail & " --armor --encrypt " & sciezka & nazwa_pliku

writer.WriteLine(Now() & " " & winlogin.Text & " " & "Szyfrowanie.Start")



writer.WriteLine(Now() & " " & winlogin.Text & " " & "Szyfrowanie.Koniec")

Catch ex As Exception

writer.WriteLine(Now() & " " & winlogin.Text & " " & ex.Message)

End Try
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