why is SHA1 used? How do I get SHA256 to be used?

Hauke Laging mailinglisten at hauke-laging.de
Tue Jul 10 17:15:55 CEST 2012

Am Di 10.07.2012, 16:39:20 schrieb Laurent Jumet:

> > personal-digest-preferences SHA256,RIPEMD160,SHA1
>     Do you succeed in having a SHA256 hash with this statement?

Yes, I do. Just tried.

>     How can I explain that I have RIPEMD160 instead?

Two possibilities come to my mind:

1) I created a signature using gpg only. Did you do that, too, or did you use 
some GUI or calling program (MUA)?

2) Are there conflicting statements in your config file? Maybe you can check 
by calling

gpg --options /dev/null --personal-digest-preferences SHA256 --detach-sign...

gpg --options /dev/null --personal-digest-preferences SHA256,RIPEMD160 ...

PGP: D44C 6A5B 71B0 427C CED3 025C BD7D 6D27 ECCB 5814
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