Gpg4Win and GnuPG

Anthony Papillon papillion at
Thu May 3 10:57:14 CEST 2012

Thank you, Werner.  The system already has GPG installed and they  
won't want a second copy, I'm sure. I thought GPG4Win added a new  
context menu item that would allow easier file encryption. If not then  
they don't need anything else.


Sent from my mobile device

On May 3, 2012, at 3:45 AM, Werner Koch <wk at> wrote:

> On Thu,  3 May 2012 10:12, papillion at said:
>> Quick question: are there any security concerns with running GnuPG  
>> and
>> GPG4Win on the same system?
> Gpg4win is an installer which includes GnuPG as its crypto engine.  In
> fact, Gpg4win is the suggested way to install GnuPG on Windows.
> In case your question is whether you can use the GnuPG 1.4 installer
> along with Gpg4win (which comes with GnuPG 2): This is not suggested  
> but
> should not pose a security problem.  Note, that you will end up with  
> two
> programs named gpg on your box - this may lead to  some confusion.
> Shalom-Salam,
>   Werner
> -- 
> Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.

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