secret key not found

Rupali Chitre rychitre at
Tue May 8 15:48:45 CEST 2012

I am running simple command 'gpg --decrypt E:\a.txt.gpg'. It runs successfully from command prompt, but when I run from application it gives below error. Why it is saying
'No secret key'. How to fix this? It is the same environment.
gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID BA041825
gpg: decryption failed: No secret key

--- On Tue, 5/8/12, Peter Lebbing <peter at> wrote:

From: Peter Lebbing <peter at>
Subject: Re: secret key not found
To: "Rupali Chitre" <rychitre at>
Cc: Gnupg-users at
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 6:12 AM

On 08/05/12 00:08, Rupali Chitre wrote:
> It still gives same error. I added '--homedir DIR ' in command.
> echo paraphrase|gpg.exe --homedir DIR --batch  --secret-keyring temporary 
> --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt-files E:\a.txt.gpg
> gpg: keyblock resource `DIR/secring.gpg': No such file or directory
> gpg: keyblock resource `DIR/temporary': No such file or directory
> gpg: keyblock resource `DIR/pubring.gpg': No such file or directory

Are you literally entering DIR? Because it was intended to be an indicator that
that is the place you should place the wanted directory name, as in for example[1]:

--homedir "C:\Documents and Settings\Rupali\Application Data"

or something similar.


[1] I don't use Windows, so I might make a mistake in syntax or actual directory
names or something like that

I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at
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