Is the signature encrypted

David Shaw dshaw at
Mon Nov 5 16:01:02 CET 2012

On Nov 5, 2012, at 9:47 AM, Hauke Laging <mailinglisten at> wrote:

> Am Mo 05.11.2012, 09:39:52 schrieb David Shaw:
>>> I would like to know if when I send an encrypted and signed message the
>>> signature is also encrypted or not ?
>> It is.  You can manually construct other arrangements if you so desire,
> But not for the (MUA integrated) use with email, can you?

No.  If you're going manual, you're pretty much going manual all the way down (writing your own scripts to verify things, etc).

Virtually always you *want* your signature to be encrypted.  Why would you want something else?


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