smartcard key change

Fabio Coatti fabio.coatti at
Wed Jan 2 14:09:39 CET 2013

In data mercoledì 2 gennaio 2013 12:31:10, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:
> On 02/01/13 11:05, Fabio Coatti wrote:
> > Replace existing key? (y/N) y
> > gpg: secret key already stored on a card
> > 
> > [...]
> > My guess is that gpg flags every subkey sent to card with the card
> > number and checks the number when requested to install it again... but
> > is there any way to tell gpg to clear that card number field?
> It doesn't just flag the secret key as stored on card, the secret key in
> your keyring is /replaced/ by a stub that just says the key is stored on
> the card. So your secret keyring no longer contains the secret key.
> You will need to recover the secret material from a backup.
> At least, I am fairly sure this is the case. I have not tried it out since I
> don't want to screw up the keys on my smartcards :).
> You say we are talking about a signing key here, so you could also just
> generate a new signing key.

No big deal, I have the needed backups; now I figured out what's going on, 
thanks. Maybe the message "gpg: secret key already stored on a card" is a bit 
misleading here :)

Many thanks!


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