Clarification sought on GnuPG v1.4.12

Suresh B Subramanyam sbsubram at
Thu Jan 10 13:38:58 CET 2013

Hi GPG user group,

I am trying to use Gnu PG v1.4.12 in one of my project.  I have downloaded
the source gnupg-1.4.12-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm from

as I could not find any download link for this version in Gnu PG website.
However, I am facing some issues in compiling the source

Is there a link from where I can get the binary of 1.4.12 version, from
where I can download and readily use.

I intend to use this on AIX 5.3 platform

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
Suresh B Subramanyam
SA3 2F 015, Bangalore, India
Ph: +91 80 41772421

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