Error verifying encrypted and signed message

Thorsten Steinbrenner news at
Sat Jul 13 15:28:41 CEST 2013


I started using gpg a couple of days ago so this might be a stupid 
question. But I can't figure it out myself and the manpage is not really 
clear about this:

When I sign (--clearsign) a message I can check the signature with 
--verify and it tells me, that the the signed message is valid. But as 
soon as I sign _and_ encrypt a message I get an error message. But I can 
still decrypt the message without issues:

$ gpg --armor --clearsign --output test.sig.asc test.txt
$ gpg --armor --sign --encrypt --recipient john at --output 
test.enc.asc test.txt
$ gpg --verify test.sig.asc
gpg: Unterschrift vom Sa 13 Jul 2013 15:17:27 CEST mittels RSA-Schlüssel 
ID 12345678
gpg: Korrekte Unterschrift von »John Doe <john at>«
$ gpg --verify test.enc.asc
gpg: verify signatures failed: Unerwartete Daten

Is it possible to only verify an encrypted message without decrypting it?

Thanks a lot!



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