Quotes from GPG users

Marko Randjelovic markoran at eunet.rs
Sun Nov 3 22:01:18 CET 2013

On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:58:56 +0100
Sam Tuke <samtuke at gnupg.org> wrote:

> If you want to help us, send your own statement about why GPG is important to
> you. Please keep it less than or equal to 130 characters, so it can be used on
> social networks.
> I'll collect them and pick the best for use now and in future.

I send five variants (but the best is all of them :) ):

I use GnuPG because I care and because I was taught it was a sin to open other people's letters.

I use GnuPG because there was a country where people used to say "OZNA comes to know anything".

I use GnuPG because ‎I don't trade with my independence.

I use GnuPG because ‎I don't trade with my freedom.

I use GnuPG because ‎I take critical attitude towards possibility of abuse of my data.

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