2048 or 4096 for new keys? aka defaults vs. Debian

Christoph Anton Mitterer christoph.anton.mitterer at lmu.de
Fri Oct 25 02:19:08 CEST 2013

On Thu, 2013-10-24 at 21:05 +0200, Sylvain wrote:
> Is this zealotry on the Debian front, or something to update in gnupg?
As they write,... they don't see a specific (i.e. technical or
performance) reason not to do so.

Some people may argue that 2048 is secure enough for many many years to
come. Similar things have been said for 1024 not so many years ago.

And especially under the light of the NSA/friends scandal,... why using
less when you have no strong reasons to do so?

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