gpg asks for the same passphrase each time it uses new subkey

Faru Guredo faruguredo at
Mon Feb 17 08:04:28 CET 2014

I do backups and want to encrypt some of them. I also want to set this as a
cron job. The problem is, if I haven't used my signing key before the cron
daemon will attempt to encrypt backup files, gpg will throw that damn
pinentry window to ask for the passphrase I have already entered at the
startup. Why it needs to ask _the same_ passphrase _for each_ subordinate
key and how to avoid this? At this time I can either do not sign backup
files, or enter that passphrase every time cron does backup files. Or enter
it twice at the startup when encrypting and signing something like `gpg se
| gpg d` for no other purpose than get that passphrase into the agent.
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