howto revoke a key that has no secret key

eMyListsDDg emylistsddg at
Wed Jul 2 06:45:15 CEST 2014

> Am Di 01.07.2014, 09:29:57 schrieb eMyListsDDg:
>> somehow i managed to send a key id to a key server that has no
>> secret-key. so i would like to remove it.

>> gpg --output keyrevoke.asc  --gen-revoke 0x<keyid>

>> doesn't work since there is no secret key.

>> at a loss as to how to remove/revoke this key

> Your question is unclear (at least to me).

> 1) You cannot remove a certificate from a keyserver. Not even with the
> private key.

> 2) You can delete a key from your keyring but without the private 
> mainkey you cannot revoke the key. Guess what the consequences would be
> if everyone (i.e. those without the private key) could revoke a key...

well i managed to create a pub key without a priv key. that is, it only has a pub part. thats what gpa key manager is telling me.

so i thought i would remove it and recreate a new key pair for that email addr.

if you or someone can tell me how i can create a priv key for that email address that i created with only a pub key? i don't know how i did that with the gpa key manager.

hope that clarifies it a bit

Key fingerprint = DB4D 251B FE8A BDCD 2BE4  E889 13F1 78D0 A386 B32B

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