GPG API: Open Crypto Engine

Nan nan at
Mon Nov 17 17:38:15 CET 2014

Hi Werner,

All email I send goes through the GoodCrypto Server. If I don't have a key for the recipient, then the tag is automatically added to encourage others to use encryption. 

Clearly, folks on this mailing list already understand the importance of encryption. Currently, there's no flag to designate that some recipient addresses are mailing lists related to encryption. If others using the GoodCrypto Server thinks that's a valuable additional, we'll likely add it in the future.

Werner, let me take a moment and thank you for your years of work on GPG.  Given the revelations over the past 1.5 years, we think everyone should be using it.



GoodCrypto warning: Anyone could have read this message. Use encryption, it works.

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