Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

Robert J. Hansen rjh at sixdemonbag.org
Tue Nov 18 16:11:41 CET 2014

> I agree. A third party should never handle the filtering of mail. If
> my email is nan at mygroup.org, then mygroup.org handles the
> encryption, decryption, spam filtering, etc.

A third party -- your mailserver administrator -- should never handle
the decryption or signing.  (There may be a couple of use cases where it
makes sense, but they're few and far between.)  All it takes is a
subpoena, and any citizen can file one of those.

It appears that you're selling a "solution" that involves giving a third
party access to your plaintext, all the while telling people that your
product will keep their communications secure.  I don't see how that can
be called anything other than snake oil.

> I agree again. I'm much more concerned about human rights groups and
> stopping mass surveillance.

So far you've --

* Made false claims that DSA is compromised
* Made false claims that NIST only minimally changed a compromised
* Advocated giving third-parties regular and routine access to

None of this is compatible with your claim that you're concerned about
human rights groups and stopping mass surveillance.

Please stop hyping snake oil.

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