Restoring GnuPG

Heinz Diehl htd+ml at
Sun Oct 19 13:26:03 CEST 2014

On 19.10.2014, Sudhir Khanger wrote: 

> 1. Is secret key the most important part of GnuPG? By important I mean
> if you only had your secret key could get back to your original setup
> ignoring the imported public keys.

Of course, you can omit/delete your pubring.gpg, if you like. However, unless
you import a public key, you won't be able to communicate using gpg

> 2. "gpg --import secret.key" I suppose this is the command I have to
> use to import the secret key on a new system.

You can just copy your secring.gpg into your freshly installed
~/.gnupg directory. Importing your secret key would also re-install
your public key..

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