Update on USG, Software, and the First Amendment

Bob Holtzman holtzm at cox.net
Tue Oct 28 06:59:48 CET 2014

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 02:20:36PM -0400, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> Just received word back from a friend of mine who's a law professor
> focusing in electronic civil liberties, and is a former Commissioner of
> the FCC to boot.  He's skeptical that ITAR/EAR enforcement will affect
> U.S. hackers participating in libre software development.  More than
> that I can't/shouldn't say, since he was writing off-the-cuff in a
> personal email rather than carefully drafting remarks for public
> consumption.
> He rather likes writing short essays on law.  If there's interest, I'll
> try and talk him into writing something layman-friendly about ITAR/EAR,
> cryptography, and the First Amendment.

Great interest here.

Bob Holtzman
Giant intergalactic brain-sucking hyperbacteria 
came to Earth to rape our women and create a race 
of mindless zombies.  Look!  It's working!
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