New beta

Philip Jackson philip.jackson at
Sat Sep 20 15:05:31 CEST 2014

On 20/09/14 02:13, Murphy wrote:
>  For my Ubuntu
> machine hHere is a brief summary of the steps, in order
> 1. Install latest libraries: npth, libgpg-error, libgcrypt, libksba,
> libassuan
> 2. Execute the following command: sudo ln -sf /dev/null
> /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop
> 3. sudo apt-get install libdb-dev, libdb++-dev, libbz2-dev
> 4. Install Openldap-2.4.39 using ./configure, make depend, make, sudo
> make install
> 5. sudo apt-get install gtk+-2.0
> 6. Install pinentry, gnupg-2.1

What, please, is the reason for the step no. 2 in the above list ?


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