agent, ssh-support, loading keys

Matthew Monaco matt at
Sun Sep 28 04:28:56 CEST 2014


I use the agent with ssh-support. I have one problematic scenario. When using
ansible (basically a parallel ssh client) and my key hasn't been loaded into the
agent already, I am asked by pinentry for my password for every connection. Even
if I kill ansible, it seems that the agent/pinentry already have the requests
queued up so I'm asked anyway.

1) Is this behavior intentional? Why does pinentry continue to ask me to unlock
my SSH key after I've done it once? Is the ordering really strict?

2) ssh-add isn't loading my key into the agent. When I use it, pinentry isn't
called and a subsequent SSH attempt will invoke pinentry. In the meantime I've
simply resorted to $(ssh localhost true) prior to calling ansible in some
scripts, but is there a more explicit way?


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