protecting pub-keys from unwanted signatures

Philipp Schafft lion at
Sun Aug 16 13:18:20 CEST 2015


On Sun, 2015-08-16 at 10:10 +0200, Stefan Claas wrote:
> Hello Werner and all,
> after seeing Facebook's public key a couple of days ago,
> i was wondering if it's possible to enhance GnuPG in a
> future version, so that it no longer allows someone to
> sign a public key without approval of the owner.

Maybe you can explain your use case a bit.
Think about this:
You can easily create a little document with the fingerprint of the key
you want to sign, timestamp, maybe other notions and sign that. Then you
can publish this document. In fact the signature on a key is very
similar to such a document. Just that it has a machine readable

 (Rah of PH2)
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