FAQ: drop mention of 1.4?

Johan Wevers johanw at vulcan.xs4all.nl
Fri Aug 28 19:25:56 CEST 2015

On 28-08-2015 18:52, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

> You don't get clearer than that.  PGP 2.6 is a dead letter.  Obsolete.

Yes, I agree.

> And with PGP 2.6 being obsolete, so are V3 keys.

No they are not. Reading encrypted archives might be usefull,
re-encrypting received mails is impractical and re-signing them probably

The sane thing to do is then to make v3 support read only.

ir. J.C.A. Wevers
PGP/GPG public keys at http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/pgpkeys.html

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