character encoding differs in gpg and gpg2

Fabian Stäber fabian at
Wed Dec 16 11:51:51 CET 2015


sorry if this has been asked before, but I didn't find it on google:

If I call gpg, it uses charset utf-8.
If I call gpg2, it uses charset US-ASCII.

My locale is en_US.UTF-8.

My name has a special character. 'gpg --edit-key' shows it correctly, 'gpg2 --edit-key' does not.

I am wondering what other users will most likely see when they get my key from the keyserver?
Is my key correct and gpg2 wrong, or is my key wrong and gpg2 correct?

Thanks a lot

P.S.: gpg is version 1.4.19, gpg2 is version 2.0.29, I am using iTerm on OS X.

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