Double sign a document

Xavier Maillard xavier at
Wed Feb 18 07:31:43 CET 2015


in order to announce my new GPG key< I have written a key transition

I am at the step where I should/must sign it with both keys (old and
new one).

I can sign (inline) my document using this:

gpg --output keytransition.signed --clearsign keytransition.txt

This works for one GPG key but how can I make it work twice ?

If I do the same command but using my old key:

gpg --default-key 0xold-key --output keytransition.signed2
--clearsign keytransition.txt

then I should "merge" the signed files but when verifying, it just

gpg: Attention : conflit de hachage de signature dans le message
gpg: Impossible de vérifier la signature : General error

How am I supposed to achieve this ? How do you double (triple or even
more) gpg-sign a file ?

Sent with my mu4e
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