Please remove MacGPG from due to serious security concerns

Jonathan Schleifer js-gnupg-users at
Thu Feb 19 18:15:32 CET 2015

Am 18.02.2015 um 15:57 schrieb Werner Koch <wk at>:

>> git commit -S <keyID>
>> You can just create an alias for that, I for example use git ci.
> I know that but I would like to have a different key for tag and commit.
> Requiring an option is just too cumbersome.

I don't really see how that is cumbersome if you have an alias for tag and for commit that each specify the key you want?

As an aside, what's the reason for not signing the commits with the key on the card? I sign all my commits with the key stored on my Gnuk. What is kinda annoying though is if you set commit.gpgsign = true, as it will then even sign git stash etc. and ask you to enter the PIN all the time. Which is why I have an alias git ci for git commit -S, as I only want to sign commits, not temporary state.


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