Teaching GnuPG to noobs

Damien Goutte-Gattat dgouttegattat at incenp.org
Wed Jun 17 00:30:26 CEST 2015

On 06/16/2015 03:50 PM, A.T. Leibson wrote:
> What aspects are the most challenging for new users to understand?

I would say: all the stuff related to the concepts of "key validity" and 
"owner trust".

Particularly, the fact that the validity of a given key is automatically 
determined by looking at the key's signatures.

I have seen several new users complaining that they could not find how 
to set the validity of a key, because they didn't understand that you do 
that indirectly by *signing* the key.

Typically, the user would ask me something like this: "OK, I got your 
public key, I have checked the fingerprint you gave me so I'm sure it's 
your key. But Enigmail says that the validity and ownertrust are both 
'unknown'. How do I set the validity to something else? There is a 'Set 
Owner Trust' button, but no 'Set Validity' button..."


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