where can one find an official gnupg project statement on the state of sub project?

Paulo Lopes pmlopes at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 11:33:00 CET 2015

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org> wrote:

> On Wed,  4 Mar 2015 20:14, paulo at mlopes.net said:
> > It turns out that gnupg and gnupg2 are live and kicking, however the
> other 2
> > projects seem to be dorment for long time without any updates.
> Right I have not looked at scrute and poldi for a long time.  There
> seems to be not enough interest.  However, I think that gniibe is
> maintaining them for Debian.
> > Maybe the reason for dropping poldi was due to build issues that have
> already
> > been fixed on git master? master was updated 9 months ago but the latest
> release
> > 0.4.1 is 6 years old. Same for scute however i did stop using it.
> Do you think we should do a new release for poldi?

If I could suggest something else, what about having official packages, say:

* official ppa for ubuntu
* official rpm for RHEL/Centos/Fedora/SUSE
* official Arch AUR

Of course this is quite some work and lots of distros are not here but for
example this would mean that gnupg users would always have an official
build unlike for example:

as of today (March 5, 2015) ubuntu 14.04 LTS is still offering gnupg 1.4.16
even though there have been security issues fixed in 1.4.17, 1.4.18 and
1.4.19. In a way a uninformed user that is under the impression that gnupg
is secure due to the fact that the distro he/she uses does not update the
packages in time is using vulnerable software while the project has already
issued security fixes long time ago...

Again this is just an idea that requires quite some work and thought...

> > Now that there seems to be some extra momentum in the project with the
> amazing
> > funding campaign, what are the plans for the sub projects?
> Working on GnuPG 2.1 has top prioroty right now.  If there is enough
> interest in Poldi, the development shoudl be taken up again.  Is there?
> Regarding Scute, I expect that we will start to work on it again in
> ralation to Thunderbird.  I know of at least one project which plans to
> start working on Thunderbird.
> I'll put a note into the Wiki.
> Shalom-Salam,
>    Werner
> --
> Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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Paulo Lopes
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