gpg in a cybercafé

Jonathan Schleifer js-gnupg-users at
Thu Mar 5 18:30:45 CET 2015

On Wed, 04 Mar 2015 14:29:47 +0300, Robert Deroy <robert.deroy at> wrote:

> How could i do for use gpg on a usb key, because i have no computer, i only go in cybercafé.
> I want to use the last version, 2.1.1, with gpa.

I woudl recommend to boot off a Tails USB stick, as everything else would be way too risky in a public place. Don't even think about just running the executable on some system! Tails is - as far as I know - the only system designed to still provide security in the environment of a café. It goes so far as so try to wipe the memory when you shut down.

And here's the catch: It comes with GnuPG - but GnuPG 2.0.x AFAIK. Are you positive you absolutely need 2.1? The main reason to require 2.1 is to use ECC, I guess.

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