Weird error during key refresh

Doug Barton dougb at
Wed Mar 25 08:28:19 CET 2015

gpg --refresh-keys
gpg: refreshing 2 keys from hkp://
gpg: requesting key D5B2F0FB from hkp server
gpg: requesting key 1A1ABC84 from hkp server
gpg: DBG: armor-keys-failed (KEY 
0x9DD1E44C8660ADA6580F83B6C886A42BD5B2F0FB BEGIN
) ->0
gpg: DBG: armor-keys-failed (KEY 
0x9DD1E44C8660ADA6580F83B6C886A42BD5B2F0FB END
) ->0
gpg: DBG: armor-keys-failed (KEY 
0xE3520E149D053533C33A67DB5CC686F11A1ABC84 BEGIN
) ->0
gpg: Note: signatures using the MD5 algorithm are rejected
gpg: key D5B2F0FB: "Doug Barton <DougB at>" not changed
gpg: DBG: armor-keys-failed (KEY 
0xE3520E149D053533C33A67DB5CC686F11A1ABC84 END
) ->0
gpg: key 1A1ABC84: "Douglas Barton <dougb at>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg:              unchanged: 2

I'm using the latest on Mac from homebrew:

gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.27
libgcrypt 1.6.3

Any ideas?


I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. 
This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not 
validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or 
to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

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