Subject: Opening a gpg file format in read and write mode

Matthew Monaco matt at
Wed May 6 21:57:09 CEST 2015

On 05/06/2015 05:04 AM, Jamenson Ferreira Espindula de Almeida Melo wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I want to open a file called passwords.txt.gpg and editing it
> directly.   The mentioned file holds a password list and I prefer not
> to decrypt it, that is, I want to read it directly in gpg format
> itself.
> I believe it is possible reading, editing and writing directly in gpg
> file format itself without decrypting it, provided that GnuPG itself
> does the same thing on the public keyring (pubring.gpg), on the secret
> keyring (secring.gpg) and on the trust database (trustdb.gpg).

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