How to interprete the output of --export-ownertrust?

Daniel Baur mls at
Tue Apr 5 14:57:59 CEST 2016

Am 05.04.2016 um 06:37 schrieb Doug Barton:
> I learned to check the headers, and look for References: (sometimes
> spelled In-Reply-To:) with one or more message Ids after.

while it is off-topic: The In-Reply-to and References-header are not the
same. The in-reply-to-header tells you, for which message a message is a
direct reply. The reference-header tells to which emails the mail
belongs. Now-adays the reference-header are not very useful anymore, but
in the old-times it could happen that a reply reached a third party
before the original message reached the third.

Example: You have 3 emails.
Starter: Message-ID: A
Answer: Message-ID: B, In-reply-to: A, References: A
Answer-Answer: Message-ID: C, In-reply: B, References: An, B

If the answer-answer (C) reaches you before the answer (B), your
email-program still knows that it somehow belongs to the starter-eMail
(A). When the answer (B) reaches you, your eMail-programm can sort it in
the right position, using the in-reply-to-field.


P.S: I learned it the hard way that people that use the reply-button for
new emails that not so bad like the smartphone-guys that write an new
email for an reply.

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