Attacks on encrypted communicxatiopn rising in Europe

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Wed Aug 24 15:17:19 CEST 2016

>> 	1.  Are you a privacy absolutist?
> Yes.

Thank you for being clear on that.

>> 	2.  If yes, why should we listen to you?
> The child porn excuse is used too often...

But this doesn't answer my question.

Why should we listen to a privacy absolutist?

> You can try - someone might have used a weak password, wrote it down
> somewhere or made another mistake. Or can be pressured into telling it
> (the famous $5 wrench comes to mind here).

Wait, wait, wait.

You're opposed to *any* kind of privacy circumvention... but you're okay
with torture?  You're seriously advocating "swing a wrench at this guy's
knees and make him talk" as an alternative to any kind of circumvention
of a privacy technology?

Johan, your position is morally incoherent.

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