Attacks on encrypted communicxatiopn rising in Europe

Wolf wolf at
Wed Aug 24 19:56:58 CEST 2016

On , Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> 3.  If no, then how should we permit privacy tools to be
>     circumvented?

Do you honestly believe that this is really possible? That government
backdoor will stay available only to government and will not be

As an example I would raise issue of TSA accepted luggage locks. You
know, those locks that only TSA is supposed to have master key to
inspect for threats? The master key you can download from internet and
print on your 3d printed and open any TSA accepted lock with

( )

So in my eyes, when it comes to your question, we have only two
options, no privacy or absolute privacy. Or do you know of any way to
guarantee that government backdoor will not be made public and/or

Tomas Volf
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