GPL license responsibility

Andrew Gallagher andrewg at
Wed Aug 31 13:25:45 CEST 2016

On 31/08/16 10:49, Dimitrova  Elena wrote:
> I will not alter any part of the source code. In this case what are my
> obligations under the GPL license?

In this case you have no obligations. Fly, and be free. ;-)

The only time when the GPL becomes significant is when you are
distributing modified code to other people or companies. In that
instance, you usually(*) are required to make freely available any
modifications you have made to that code.

In this case you are neither distributing nor modifying the GnuPG code,
so the GPL is not applicable.

* If you don't change the source code, you don't have to do anything.

* If you change the source code, but only use it yourself, you don't
have to do anything.

* If you use an LGPL library in your own code, but don't change the
source code of the library itself, you don't have to do anything.


(*) Most of the complicated details of the GPL are concerned with
pinning down the exact scope of "usually".

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