Hybrid keysigning party, your opinion?

Lachlan Gunn lachlan at twopif.net
Mon Dec 12 07:02:08 CET 2016

Le 2016-12-12 à 03:45, Peter Lebbing a écrit :
> I really like this suggestion! I had to think about it for a while
> before I could see a way to make it work. The trouble is that I want
> caff to be able to process the file, and for that I need to keep it
> having much of the same patterns. I ended up not significantly altering
> the two files compared to what I proposed, but instead suggesting
> everybody should use the scrubbed version. That way, the instructions
> are the same for all participants.

Also, while I promised to forever hold my peace, you might want to give
people a a programmatic way to make the scrubbed list so that those who
print their own don't need to manually verify it.  This might add too
much complexity, so I don't know whether it is worthwhile.

Something like

    sed -re '/^(pub|\s+Key fingerprint).*$/d' <main.txt >scrubbed.txt

is easy enough to verify by eye as not being a trick.  The //d (rather
than s///) is important because unless it makes the list shorter, there
isn't any incentive to go to the trouble :)


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