How to convert (ancient) key in "version 2" to more modern "version 4" format?

Werner Koch wk at
Tue May 24 08:32:48 CEST 2016

On Mon, 23 May 2016 21:56, mls at said:

>  :public key packet:
> 	version 2, algo 1, created 1022270000, expires 0

That was created by an very old PGP-2 versions.  gpg bever created a
version 2 key.

>  Is there a way to have gpg2 convert and export the key?  Looking

The formats are diffefrent and even if you would use the same key
material, the fingerprint and the keyid will be diffewrent.  Thus there
is no practial way of using it [1].



[1] if you use the key material and make a v4 key out of it, gpg should
    be able to decrypt keys with a wild-card keyid (--throw-keyid in
    gpg, can't remember the PGP-2 option).

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