How to convert (ancient) key in "version 2" to more modern "version 4" format?

Ludwig Hügelschäfer mlisten at
Sat May 28 22:24:08 CEST 2016

On 28.05.16 20:30, Bjoern Kahl wrote:

> Which leaves me with the other option, teach mailvelop /
> openpgp.js to read v2 keys.
> Looking at the RFC-4880, it seems V3 and V2 keys share the same 
> structure (section 5.5.2, page 41).  Openpgp.js does handle V3
> keys, but not V2.  Which makes me wonder if it is enough to let V2
> keys run through the same code path as the supported V3 keys, or if
> I am missing something important here.

Björn, why would you want to put energy in support of such ancient
keys? V3 keys aren't supported any more by GnuPG 2.1, and nobody
mentioned V2 keys here for years. Usually, those keys are at best 1024
bits long which suggests that they are replaced by a adequate V4 key
with recommended key length right now.

They are obsolete in every aspect.


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