yubikey 4 openkeychain rsa [WAS: smartcard reader]

Thomas Glanzmann thomas at glanzmann.de
Sun Oct 23 08:20:04 CEST 2016


> The Yubikey Neo has NFC which is how it is usable with android. There is a
> video of it in action here:
> https://grepular.com/An_NFC_PGP_SmartCard_For_Android

I know about the Yubikey Neo. However it can only do 2048 Bit RSA. So
I'm really interested how to use the Yubikey 4 or Yubikey 4 Nano without
NFC with Android. Googeling a little bit around it seems there is patch
which works for some people but I was unable to find a howto use it.


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