Managing the WoT with GPG

martin f krafft madduck at
Wed Jun 21 13:55:52 CEST 2017

also sprach Neal H. Walfield <neal at> [2017-06-21 11:53 +0200]:
> > 3. Is there a way to run --check-trustdb or --update-trustdb not
> >    over the entire key graph, but only traversing to a certain depth
> >    starting from a specific key? Then I could tell parcimonie to run
> >    --check-trustdb for every key it imports, or have mutt run
> >    --update-trustdb for every key I want to use. This would
> >    iteratively achieve the job with the benefit that no cycles would
> >    be wasted processing trust for keys I never use. I understand
> >    --edit-key can be used to change the ownertrust, but I don't
> >    think it recomputes the WoT on change, does it?
> > 
> >    If there's no way to do this yet, would this be a useful addition
> >    to the UI, assuming it's technically possible?
> This isn't easy given the current implementation: GnuPG doesn't store
> the graph, but traverses the graph and only saves whether a particular
> key is trusted.

It's gotta start somewhere, though, right? Can't it pick the leaf
where to start?

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