PGP for official documents / eIDAS and ZertES

Ben McGinnes ben at
Tue Oct 10 19:06:36 CEST 2017

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 08:40:38AM +0000, ankostis wrote:
> But it doesn't have to be XML!
> Besides ETSI, the european organization implementing eIDAS has 3 "standards"
> (e.g. [1]):
> XADES(XML), PADES (pdf), CADES - the last one doubting if it has any
> modern use.
> Why not push them for a new PGPADES standard?

For the same reason as not wanting to wrestle crypto and XML into one
working thing: I'd like to keep the hair I have and not see it go as
white as Ray Wise playing Leland Palmer and just as quickly.

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